Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow Day 2014

We were supposed to get the brunt of the polar vortex, but instead it shifted at the last minute and slipped just north of us. Still, we received some snow, which for the South, meant Snow Days and no school. Our district, hearing early reports that we would get most of the bad weather, cancelled school before the storm hit. I feel terrible, though, for the students, teachers, and others who were caught unaware and stranded for hours and days at school, at work, or on an interstate (my sister included).

The snow didn't reach us until well after dark, so Hannah and I were up early the next day to enjoy it.

We both were reminded of Narnia as we walked through the woods.

Later, we headed to her grandparents house to try a little sledding.



miruspeg said...

Fabulous photos Roban. Looks like you both had a fun time playing in the snow.
I haven't seen snow since 1981 when I had a holiday down south in the Snowy Mountains.
Sydney never has snow, so I will have to venture far afield.
Seeing these photos makes me want to experience this again especially sledding!
Take care
Peggy xxxxx

Lisa Gordon said...

What happy photos these are, Roban!
We're finally warming up here. All the way up to 20 today! :-)

Have a great weekend.

T said...

I happened onto your blog, and I'm glad. Your writing is unique and fresh and engaging. I love your photos and the sentiments. I smile, not even knowing you, at how life is lived through your expressiveness. Beautiful.