It's time that I put 'fulfillment' to work for me. That means, today at least, fulfilling a promise to myself and to my students. I have to finish grading my students' essays!
Funny how we put some things off and let them hang over our head like a dark cloud. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy finding out what my students wrote, but having to do something, is what often makes me procrastinate the most. And essays take a.lot.of.time to grade. On the upside... I can choose from a rainbow of colored pens to mark with... I'm using one of my blue Staedtler triplus fineliners for today's grading marathon. And I can sit in my comfy chair in front of the fireplace as I work.
My husband is already up and at it with a full day of activities on his schedule... a work-out, some work at the office, drop off his dry-cleaning, a small bit of shopping as he prepares for a trip. I, on the other hand, have had a leisurely morning although I, too, have a full day of activities to mark off my list. I think this happens when you use January 1 as a day for yourself... doing what you want to do instead of what you need to do can pretty much fill the next day to the brim. (I can almost hear the school uniforms call to me from the laundry room in their wrinkled-sort-of-way... "Don't forget us. We need our wrinkles smoothed away before Tuesday!")
So, I'll be back late today to see what's been happening at your place. Until then, I'm on a quest for fulfillment. And it's got to come from accomplishing a few important tasks today.
Looks like you're in for a long night again! ;)Silver
Nothing feels more fulfilling that getting tasks done! Nothing! Here's to a fulfilling day :)
I hope you did have a fulfilling day! I love the new blog look! I tried to do a header with three pictures but could not figure out how to same my life. I am thinking I might just get Caroline to make one for me. I love her work! Hope you enjoy the rest of the break and are ready to charge forward on Monday!! Hey, was thinking we need to plan something great for when our Aussie friend makes it over the sea! Any ideas?
...and I should be getting through my list as well...but maybe another cup of coffee is in order...
Oh--and I love the new blog look!
WOW double WOW no triple WOW!! LOOOOVE your new look Roban.
I haven't even read what you have written yet but I am sure I will love that too....LOL
Sounds like lots of fulfillment happening in your house. Have I told you before how much I enjoy reading your posts Roban. Your writing style is really cool!
Glad you have a rainbow of coloured pens.
Big hugs
Peggy xxxx
i liked the part in the essay about teachers cramming in all the information into one day! hehehe
what grade do you teach?
i've been asked to teach an evening class at college for students wanting to improve their writing skills... but have not said yes yet as i am not sure if i want to take home all the essays every week to mark!
Kamana, I teach 8th grade. I think college would be fun to teach.... Maybe you'll have fewer students!
I love reading your posts. It always amazes me how you can take anything and turn it into an amazing blog post. I can't wait to read more about your fulfilling year.
I always waited until the last minute to grade my papers too. Reading essays can be really fun; I love to get that inside look as to what my student's are thinking, but it takes so long!
I hope you got everything done and your first day back tomorrow is a smooth one.
love your attitude towards your word...your life !
I've been so busy doing nothing much that I haven't been around to visit my friends in too long. So, though my wishes are late, I mean them with my whole heart. May your year be filled with laughter. May all your surprises be happy ones. May you remember to count your blessings. May you know each day how very much you are loved. Happy new year, my friend.
I still have a pile of things to grade. Naughty, naughty me. I promise to be better this next grading period. Honest.
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