My new journey began last summer when my daughter and I vacationed at the beach. I started my blog that week, and we began creating digital scrapbooks through Scrapblog (a site she had used in school that year). There, at the beach, I created my first Scrapblog called "Destin 2008." What joy I found through that site. Which leads me to ...
...meeting so many new friends through Scrapblog and google Blog. It was through Scrapblog that I first met Octamom (who led me to AVT Coach), Miruspeg, McMGrad89, and MrsPeel. Although I created my blog originally to share news with family about our Destin vacation, it soon opened doors to an even bigger world of friendship! I am so thankful to have met these lovely ladies through Scrapblog, and to get to know them even better through their blogs.

As AVTCoach said in her recent blog, she and I share the same birthday... down to the year. I believe we are soul sisters, and I am thrilled to be a part of her world! I am always interested in what she says and have found her blog on abundance to be quite thought-provoking. She provides educational ideas related to some of her favorite children's books, and it is apparent that she is devoted to her work and to the children she serves. This is her blog profile picture ...
Then there's Peggy. This woman is also an amazing person who definitely touches others' lives. While some of us (me included) have big ideas that may never see fruition, she lives them! If you look through her blog Middle Age Ramblings, you will find photographs of Joseph. At first glance you would assume he is her grandson; she has entire scrapblogs devoted to this little boy. But no, Joseph is a neighbor she has befriended, along with his mom. You will also find photographs from her travels. Among them are photographs of a trip she took to Rwanda. During that trip, she shared her love of photography with local children who were given the opportunity to take pictures of their own. It is an amazing story you can see firsthand through her scrapblog, Journey to Rwanda.
MrsPeel is another friend of mine discovered through Scrapblog. She has been blogging much longer than I have but only recently opened her blog on google. I'm so glad that she's joined us. She always lifts my spirits through the heartfelt comments she leaves. Here's a photo of the lovely Mrs. Peel and her equally lovely daughter....

Since then, I've met many more people who have inspired me through their writings and photography, such as Caroline at The Zen in You, Deb at From Stilletos to Sneakers, Jen, Gill, and now even newer acquaintances such as Kaci, Angie, and Inga.
Being a part of this community has indeed enlightened me, inspired me, and entertained me! Thank you all for being a part of it!
May your new year be one of blessings, fulfillment, and hope!